23 C
lunes, octubre 7, 2024

13 posiciones sexuales de bondage con cuerdas para personas a las que les gusta el BDSM

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Amarre de doble columna

rope bondage sex positions

Todo lo que realmente necesitas para poder llevar el bondage al dormitorio es una simple corbata estilo esposas, dice Syonda. «This is called a ‘double column’ tie—two loops around two ‘columns’ (usually two limbs) that doesn’t collapse or self tighten.»

«In any tie, but particularly with ties involving the wrists, it’s important to make sure you have plenty of wiggle room between the skin and the rope, and that the tie can’t tighten down on itself,» ella dice. «A tie that does this is both uncomfortable and unsafe and can potentially cause loss of circulation or nerve damage.»

Para completar realmente el empate de doble columna, coloque su «wrists a couple of inches apart, and then wrap around both wrists,» dice Midori. «Cross at the middle and wrap around the space between the wrists and then tie two overhand knots.» (Sé que esto puede ser un poco confuso sin una descripción, así que mira esto»https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ItFtMDL-9I&ab_channel=TheTwistedMonk» objetivo=»_blank» datos-vars-ga-enlace-saliente=»https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ItFtMDL-9I&ab_channel=TheTwistedMonk» datos-vars-ga-ux-element=»Hyperlink» datos-vars-ga-llamado-a-la-acción=»2-minute tutorial»>Tutorial de 2 minutos sobre cómo hacer un empate de doble columna.)

Una vez que domines la muñequera de doble columna, ¡podrás ser creativo con ella!


bondage sex positions

«This is a Shibari classic with vast variations,» dice Midori. «For a super simple way to start, use one or two long ropes, perhaps 25 to 30 feet. Then tie their wrists together behind their back. Use the remaining rope and wrap that around the arms and body. First below the breasts or pecs, then over it. If you connect the check ropes between the arm and torso, you’ll be able to snug it down tightly.»

Puedes jugar en numerosas posiciones con este. «It’s great for full frontal access to nipples and genitals,» dice Midori. «It’s super hot for face-down anal, too.»

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esclavitud perrito

rope bondage sex positions

«Position your partner on their knees with their behind in the air and chest flat on the bed, floor, couch, etc.,» dice Sydona. «Pull their arms back and tie their wrists together behind their thighs to their ankles. If this is too tough on their neck, put a pillow under their chest.»

Si bien la imagen aquí muestra la estimulación oral, también puedes realizar penetración anal y vaginal en esta posición.

el cangrejo

bondage sex positions

«Bend their legs and tie the thigh and ankle together with an easy release two column tie; then repeat for the other leg,» dice Midori. Es opcional atar las muñecas a los muslos, añade Midori. (Eso es lo que se muestra en la imagen).

Esta posición permite «sexy vulnerability» y «access to all the bits» haciéndolo ideal tanto para dar como para recibir placer oral. También es muy sencillo hacer la transición a perrito atado desde esta posición.

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El estilo cachorro

bondage sex positions

En esta posición, los tobillos del pasivo están atados a un poste; asegúrese de usar algo que no le dé a nadie astillas; un tubo de PVC podría funcionar aquí o incluso un mango largo Swiffer. Las muñecas del pasivo están atadas.

Midori nota que sientes «delightfully exposed» en esta posición, y es «fantastic for bound penetration from behind.»


rope bondage sex positions

Haga que su pareja se acueste boca abajo para hacer el hogtie. «Tie their ankles together and their wrists behind their back, then tie those to each other,» dice Sydona.

«While this isn’t a great position for penetration, it’s great for oral and sets the mood for a BDSM-type session. Don’t forget that this position can be very strenuous on your partner’s back and shoulders, so make sure you have a quick exit plan and check in often.»

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Cuchara sexy

bondage sex positions

Acuéstese de un lado y «Tie wrists together with a basic wrist tie. Tie the left ankle to the right thigh, using the same tie as the wrists. Then tie the left thigh to the left upper arm bicep. Make sure it’s not too tight,» dice Midori. «The body looks amazing in this position and it’s hot for spooning sex from behind.»

Presidente de interrogatorio

rope bondage sex positions

Haga que su pareja se siente en una silla y le ate los tobillos a cada pata de la silla y las muñecas a la espalda. «This position is great for oral, using toys, or for a good ol’ fashioned interrogation role play,» dice Sydona. «Pro tip: make sure the back of the chair is against a wall or something stable, so you don’t accidentally push your partner over backward in the heat of the moment.»

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Silla inversa

rope bondage sex positions

«Have your partner straddle a chair so their booty is just barely off the edge of the seat and rest their chest on the seat’s back,» dice Sydona. «Tie their ankles to the legs of the chair and their wrists behind their back. This position is great for anal play.»

(Nota: para que esta posición funcione, necesitas usar una silla sin brazos. También debes apoyar la silla contra una pared o cama; ¡no quieres que la silla se caiga!)

Águila extendida

rope bondage sex positions

«Have your partner lie flat on their back on a bed and tie their wrists and ankles to each corner,» dice Sydona. «For extra spice add a blindfold, and go to town. If you or your partner are new to bedroom bondage this is a great starting position. It’s simple to tie, not particularly strenuous, and you can even buy user-friendly under-the-bed restraints if rope isn’t your style.»

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El yogui

rope bondage sex positions

«Again have your partner lie flat on their back on the bed. Tie each ankle to each corner at the top of the bed, lifting their leg as high as is comfortable for them,» dice Sydona. «If this is too difficult, tie their thighs instead of their ankles, so they can bend their knees. This position is great for, well, everything.»

Patas de la barra separadora

bondage sex positions

«With your lover on their back, place a pole under their ankle, just above their heels,» dice Midori. «Tie each wrist and ankles to the pole, and [make sure to] tie loose enough for wriggle room and to prevent loss of circulation.»

Esta posición garantiza un acceso total a todos los orificios, añade Midori.

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Proyecto grupal

rope bondage sex positions

El Proyecto Grupal es una posición de bondage con cuerdas para cuando»https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19546844/threesome-sex-positions/» objetivo=»_blank» datos-vars-ga-enlace-saliente=»https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19546844/threesome-sex-positions/» datos-vars-ga-ux-element=»Hyperlink» datos-vars-ga-llamado-a-la-acción=»three people are involved»>tres personas están involucradas. «Have your partners stand face-to-face with their arms around each other. Tie both partners’ wrists in a classic handcuff tie behind the back of the other,» dice Sydona.

«From here, you can take a voyeuristic role and watch an inevitable steamy makeout session, or alternate teasing each partner while the other watches at a very close range.»

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